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Malmesbury Primary School

SEND and Inclusion

Malmesbury is an inclusive community and we are deeply committed to removing the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils.

Equality of opportunity is a reality for all of our children within school and our dedicated Inclusion team work relentlessly to ensure that all children have the right to a fulfilling learning experience, regardless of their social background, ethnicity, academic ability or health.

At Malmesbury our Inclusion team comprises: Rebecca Phillips (Assistant Head of Inclusion, Designated Safeguarding Lead, KS1/KS2 SENCo), Glynis Kirwan (Assistant Head, EYFS lead and EYFS SENCo), Shaheda Chowdhury (Deputy Designated Safeguarding and Welfare Lead), Roushonara Begum (Community Support Partner) and Ruth Allen (Medical Lead), Olivia Riddell (Assistant Head of Lower KS2/ Attendance Lead).

We work closely with external partners to support our children with SEN, this includes Speech and Language Therapists, Phoenix outreach, Stephen Hawking Outreach Team and the visual and hearing impaired teachers who offer advice and training for all staff. The school also employs an Educational Psychologist through Tower Hamlets to support the school.   This has led to a highly trained team of teaching assistants that have a wealth of experience with educating children with special needs.


We support teachers and parents to identify and meet the needs of every child and break down barriers. We work with other agencies to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils to be confident and independent learners.
